Winged Camel Metalworks
How do you make the little people?
Some of the figures are cast from model railroad props and some were carved out of wax by us. Either way we make a mold so we don't need a brand new figure each time. Thus we are able to make multiples of any figure. Once we have the rubber mold we then inject wax into the mold, create a small “tree” for figures, encase the “tree” in plaster, melt the wax out of the plaster in a kiln leaving a perfect negative space in the plaster. When the plaster is hot enough we pour molten silver into an opening in the plaster. That cools and the plaster is cracked away leaving a perfect positive image of the little tree of figures. This is called the lost wax method of casting because you lose the wax. A new wax figure must be made for every silver figure you want. It's a very old method of casting.